Sunday, February 25, 2018

Good news

Good news bad news went to Dr closkey right hip doing fine, now need left hip replacement. It's the never ending story. Scheduled it for early April should be done rehab by mid June. Of course my dues for the year at MGCC is already paid. 

Rae is progressing PT and OT were here this week. An aide is scheduled to visit her on Wednesday. She cut her leg again and I have been tending it.

Hospital bed will be delivered this week. She did sleep upstairs one night but I think it takes too much out of her. So she is sleeping downstairs for me. 

Got twice a day weekly pill box which I loaded up for the week. She has been taking her sugar numbers and administering her insulin. So far so good. 

Played gin with the guys on Wednesday night, it was so relaxing. 

I need to go back to Hyundai for service this week. Think I should have gotten another flex, flex has much bigger foot print. Maybe in five or six years

Being audited again by IRS but I am much better prepared and will not take Ralph with me, he was expensive and useless as I had to get everything done for it anyway. Last year I worked so less audits going forward.

Need to concentrate on selling the house and getting a stable place for us to live. 

Kneller's stopped by twice over weekend. 

"Success is a life long journey not a destination" 


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