Sunday, July 29, 2018


Good luck on your retirement Sharon, 50 yrs at MGCC ( sorry I will be away for the retirement party). 

Thank you

Indian Night at MGCC 

Food at Friday's member guest was top notch. 

Lots of divots not being replaced

Butrico Member Member qualifier this Saturday - good luck to all

"Please delete previous email threads"

A husband reluctantly agreed to play in the couples' alternate shot Tournament at  his club.
He teed off on the first hole, a par four, and blistered a drive 300 yards down  the middle of the fairway.  Upon reaching the ball, the husband said to his wife, "Just hit it toward the green, anywhere around there will be fine."
The wife proceeded to shank the ball deep into the woods. Undaunted, the husband said "That's OK, Sweetheart" and  spent the full five  minutes looking for the ball. He found it just in time but in a horrible position.  He played the shot of his life to get the ball within two feet of the hole  He told his wife to knock the ball in.
His wife then proceeded to knock the ball off the green and into a bunker. Still maintaining composure, the husband summoned all of his skill and holed the shot from the bunker.
He took the ball out of the hole and, while walking off the green, put his arm   around his wife and calmly said,  "Honey, that was a bogey five and that's OK, but I think we can do better on the next hole".
To which she replied, "don't bitch at me,
Only 2 of those 5 shots were mine."

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