Wednesday, May 16, 2018


May 7 hip replacement surgery all good. Frontal so much easier than posterior. Moving along had PT for two days in community.  So far so good. 

Had Lisajoy stop by Rae's Terrace on the way to Rahway house. Lady walking around cemetery. We asked if she needed help. Answer no thank you just playing Pokemon go.  People are crazy.

Not sure how we navigated the steps but we did. Friday morning first big test. PT at home. Jesse arrives seems nice. Do a bunch of exercises. He seems pleased, I feel constantly tired. 

Lauren the visiting nurse was next. I think we may be her first case. Seems nice but a little unsure. She has a work phone which is a flip phone. We try and set up a schedule for next week.

Adelina is a big help. Amazing the transition to Rahway seems smooth for the kids. When you are young you adapt so much quicker. Occasionally someone seems concerned about Joe but I think they know what is going on. 

Friday night Lisajoy's friends come over and they attack the Rahway basement. I sit in the corner squirming. I have slight pain but just cannot get comfortable. I do get scattered reports of progress with the estate sale people. 

Saturday is a blurr. 

Sunday mother's day, dressed went to the masoleum. So far so good. Went to MGCC for the brunch. Moving about with the walker. Just too soon for me. I am tired, cranky and ate too much. Thank God the week is done.

"Success is a life long journey not a destination"

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